How is Argentine Tango danced?
Argentine Tango is a Couple Dance improvised from basic elements. The couple must keep an abrazo throughout the dance. We use steps forward, backward, to the side as well as crosses. All movements arise from walking and the joint movement of the weight of the guide and the person being guided. The musicality is free, depending on the music, the couple, the personality of each person, there is no imposed rhythm.
Tango is danced in balls called milongas. We travel on the track in a counterclockwise direction.
What are the basic sequences of Argentine Tango?
The walk (in normal or crossed system), el rebote (the rebound), the baldosa (the square), the salida (the basic step), the salida 40 (the basic step in crossed system, the ochos (the eights ) front and back, the sandwich or mordida, the ocho cortado (the cut eight), el giro (the turn), the paradas, the sacadas.
Obviously other sequences exist which arise from these basic elements.
Where does Tango come from?
Tango was born in the Rio de la Plata, between Argentina and Uruguay at the end of the 19th century. Tango music and dance come from the mix of local criolla cultures, European dances and so-called "negro" dances practiced by black slaves then on site.
Tango comes from the milonga which itself comes from the candombe. It was first practiced in the slums of Buenos Aires, particularly in brothels. Men dance it among themselves because they cannot practice it in broad daylight with women because it would be frowned upon.
Then Tango traveled to Europe and notably to France where it experienced a real Tangomania among the aristocracy. He then returned to Argentina and was accepted by the middle classes, especially after the Pope dubbed this dance. It then entered salons and spread throughout the city.
The bandoneon known today as the emblematic instrument of tango actually arrived late, it is an instrument invented in Germany.
What is the difference between ballroom tango and stage tango?
Stage tango derives from ballroom tango but includes more spectacular elements, possibly jumps, lifts, pauses with long stretches, more theatrical play, etc.
Ballroom tango is generally more on the ground, we most of the time use a closed abrazo and we pay particular attention to not disturbing other couples with our movements. The relationship between the couple is more intimate, less outward-looking.
Can I register for Tango classes even if I don't have a partner?
Yes. If the course you are interested in is not already full. We want Guide/Guide parity so that the lessons take place in good conditions. So to register a Guide, a Guided person must register and vice versa (this person will not necessarily be your partner for the year since we rotate couples during the courses ). If you do not have a partner, we will keep you informed quickly to let you know if we can include you in the course.
Can we join Tango classes during the year?
Yes, if the course you are interested in is not already full.
If you have never done Tango we will suggest that you take one or a few private lessons in order to bring you up to the level of the group formed since September so that you feel comfortable with the concepts and vocabulary used.
If you are a Couple we can register you directly. If you do not have a partner we will keep you informed if we can integrate you into the course because we want to have Guide/Guide parity.
Can we come and do a trial lesson during the year?
Yes! Be there or welcome. A registration form is accessible via our site all year round on the L’ÉCOLE page of our site: www.tangoetvous.com/l-ecole-de-tango-argentin
Do we have to wear specific shoes to participate in Tango classes?
No. Just use shoes that don't grip the ground too much. Not necessarily heels for women although it might help you.
We also recommend that you come with shoes that you do not use outside.
For beginners come with any type of shoes at the start of the year or for an initiation. Then, little by little, it will be better to come with shoes that rotate.
If you really want to be comfortable you can actually buy Tango shoes:
_For women, open front shoes, one or two ankle straps and a heel that ensures you are comfortable and balanced (no need to perch 10cm away to dance Tango well)
_for men, shoes that are not too pointed, just the size of your foot, with a small or large heel
We recommend the Miltango Boutique Showroom in Paris: www.miltango.com
How should I dress to come to Tango classes?
Come in the same clothes you wear during the day (unless they hinder your movements). In clothes you are comfortable in. There is no specific clothing for dancing Tango. It's obviously better to come in clothes that smell good... Then when you're at the ball, it's up to you to "look good" or not, to choose an elegant outfit or a pair of jeans and a t-shirt, it's up to you!
Is it necessary to have basic dance or rhythm skills to participate in beginner classes?
No! You just need to know how to walk to join the course! Argentine Tango is a popular and urban dance, it must be accessible to all and we do everything we can in our classes to make you feel comfortable. That you gradually master your dance and that the notions of rhythm are acquired gradually thanks to our teaching method.
Is it necessary to have already done Tango to join the Beginner course?
No! We really start from Zero in September in our Beginner Course. During this year, you will learn the notions of improvisation based on the basic sequences of Tango.
On the other hand, if you join the course in January, for example, it may be necessary to take a few private lessons to bring you up to speed with the group and not get lost in the concepts covered.
How do I register for a Trial Course?
Simply fill out the Trial Lessons form which can be found on the L’ÉCOLE page of our site: www.tangoetvous.com/l-ecole-de-tango-argentin
How to Register for Our Tango Classes?
To register, we invite you to go to our site by clicking on “2024-2025 Registration Request” or directly via the page: https://www.tangoetvous.com/l-ecole-de-tango-argentin/ request-registration-course-tango
Registration in 3 Steps:
1. Registration Request --> 2. We Validate the Request --> 3. REGISTRATION and Payment
You have more questions?
For any other questions, go to our CONTACT page.
We will be very happy to answer you!