At La Plagne 1930M - Bellecôte
from 03/23/2024 to 03/30/2024
_Accommodation at the foot of the slopes
_2 Tango lessons every morning
_Milongas every evening
_A team of 20 teachers including Florencia Garcia and Jérémy Braitbart
_ 4 Dance Levels
_Registration Alone or with a Partner
Au programme :
7 Milongas de Tango Argentin ;
Une soirée « auberge espagnole » en début de séjour pour faire connaissance dans la convivialité !
Du ski ou des randos en raquette tous les jours
En option, vous avez la possibilité de suivre des cours de danse (plus de 100 heures proposées en option), sans partenaire ou en couple.
Conditions d’inscriptions:
Age : de 18 à 77 ans.
Niveau minimum requis: 6 mois de pratique régulière
Niveaux d’enseignement proposés : 4 groupes de niveaux (inter 1, inter 2, inter 3, avancé).
A qui s’adresse le séjour : personnes venant seules et couples.
Nombre de participants : 160 places.
Plus de détails sur:
SNOW TANGO in La Plagne
From March 21 to 28, 2021
A week of SKI + TANGO holidays in the mountains!
We have the pleasure of being part of the team of teachers for this stay.
If you register note that you come from us!
You can register for accommodation only. But you can also add to this according to your wish:
_the milongas
_tango lessons
_skiing or snowshoeing
The SNOW TANGO stay, 9th edition, is aimed at all those who want to spend a convivial holiday in the mountains, in a "Tango" spirit.
The Tango program is both sharp (5 levels of lessons) and rich (couple lessons, individual workshops, private lessons, Milongas every evening).
In addition to the Tango, we offer many activities: snowshoeing, skiing (free or in progress), swimming pool, restaurant,…
200 participants from all over Europe are expected and this is the biggest Tango event in the mountains in the world, in one of the most renowned resorts.
Typical schedule:
Morning: skiing, tango (individual workshops & private lessons) and walk.
Afternoon: skiing, snowshoeing, swimming pool, tango (individual workshops & private lessons)
Late afternoon: tango (couple lessons spread over 5 levels)
Evening: milonga every evening (with taxi-dancers)
Registration conditions
Age: all ages
Dance: 5 levels during the stay: beginner, inter 1, inter 2, inter 3, advanced.
Who is the stay for: singles, couples and friends.
Number of participants: 200 places.
And if you register note that you come from us!